By 2004, I stopped taking new customers because their needs had changed and I realized that I didn't want to do a ton of XML Data Entry or shopping carts for on-line stores. With my new free time, I discovered that Javascript is more fun than web marketing... I have always liked programming, and since I now have time to learn JavaScript and DHTML, I have posted some of my working scripts on this site. As I try new things, I will post the source code on this site to help others learn JS also.

Although Web Designs by IndigoTide is no longer in business, I still go
by the name IndigoTide, or Indy for short. In any case, my domain is the
original, and it will continue to be maintained and developed as always to share
some of my interests, particularly but not limited to Web Design, Dynamic
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Software, Digital Imaging, Astronomy, and Photography.
Feel free to drop me an E-mail if you have any questions or comments about
any of the materials found on this site.
Take care and have fun and things...